La Güelga

Created at 8.12.2016


In cooperation with Mario Menendez (UNED, Madrid) and his team, we conducted micromorphological investigations and dated bone from middle to Upper Palaeolithic levels at zone D of La Guelga, Asturias. Zone D includes a small cavity and an open-air site, excavated during the last years. The cultural sequence consists of Mousterian layers followed by Aurignacian and possibly Châtelperronian ones. The upper part of the sequence is said to show a stratigraphic inversion, since Châtelperronian layers are usually found below Aurignacian material. Our micromorphological results and new radiocarbon dates indicate that the uppermost level including presumably Châtelperronian finds is probably reworked. A manuscript describing this investigations has been accepted for publication in a special issue of Boletín Geológico y Minero.

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