'Core-Areas' (Optimally Describing Isolines) for the Aurignacian of western and central Europe

Researchdata & Literature
Maintained by Isabell Schmidt
Created at 29.9.2021


The Core Areas (Optimally Describing Isolines) were calculated based on site distribution maps by applying the Cologne Protocol.

* Publication of Core Areas: Schmidt, I., & Zimmermann, A. (2019). Population dynamics and socio-spatial organization of the Aurignacian: Scalable quantitative demographic data for western and central Europe. PLoS One, 14(2), e0211562.

* Database on site distribution: Schmidt, I. (2021): CRC806_E1_AUR_Sites_Database_20210331. CRC806-Database, University of Cologne, DOI: 10.5880/SFB806.63

* Cologne Protocol: Schmidt, I., Hilpert, J., Kretschmer, I., Peters, R., Broich, M., Schiesberg, S., Vogels, O., Wendt, K. P., Zimmermann, A., & Maier, A. (2021). Approaching Prehistoric Demography: Proxies, Scales and Scope of the Cologne Protocol in European contexts. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B., 376. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2019.0714 Supplementary Information: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.13142921.v1


Schmidt, I., Zimmermann, A. (2021): 'Core-Areas' (Optimally Describing Isolines) for the Aurignacian of western and central Europe. CRC806-Database, University of Cologne, CRC 806 "Our Way to Europe" Project E1, DOI: 10.5880/SFB806.72

addressCRC 806 "Our Way to Europe" Project E1
authorSchmidt, Isabell and Zimmermann, Andreas
organizationUniversity of Cologne
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